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"I am happy (in) Leeds and want to stay"

When going to Leeds, there was a lot of chaos happening with my travels. I was so used to being on the go, needing to be on tours throughout every moment of the weekend. I was just anxious to get back to Verona and more often than not, there was always a reason I couldn't go back. By the time I got to Leeds, it was a city that forced me to slow down. There is simply not a ton to do in Leeds. There was only one tour I could find. That happened to be perfect.

I got to do things that made me feel normal again, rather than a nomad. I got my haircut. (I got my bangs back babyyyy!!) I went to the movies for the first time in years. I got to eat great food. I got to keep it simple. Traveling is amazing and I have gotten to have so many amazing experiences because of it. But there is value in having a routine again.



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