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"Berlin, the greatest cultural extravaganza that one could imagine" Exploring Berlin Take 2

  • Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz

    • It's a bit outside the city center but worth going to visit. It's free to get in and provides more insights into the planning of the Final Solution by the Nazi's.

  • Topography of Terror

    • If you want an overview of all things Holocaust related then make sure you check out Topography of Terror. This location is important as far as there's a large chunk of the Berlin Wall still up here AND you're getting a thorough look at the rise and fall of the Nazi's and learning a lot about World War 2. This is also free admission.

  • Berlin Under the Swatstika

    • Provided some important landmarks. Would definitely recommend trying to get Tina to guide you through this tour.

  • Cold War Museum

    • This was not free to see but gives a good, basic overview of the Cold War.

  • East Berlin: Wall and Cold War

    • A really great tour to give you a look at how Berlin was the center of the Cold War. It provides a different, neutral perspective than what you're taught in the United States which I appreciated.

  • For Berlin in general, I recommend you book all your tours through I was hoping to be able to have Tina as a tour guide on one of these tours and my luck did not work out that way and I definitely suffered for it. She's the best tour guide I've ever had...EVER. So don't be silly...go check out Tina's Tours. By the way, she has no idea who I am, so this is very much my very strong personal recommendation.

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