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"A man who governs his passions is master of his world"

Through the last 9 months, I have gotten the honor of traveling the world. Seeing places that were never going to be on my bucket list, and places that I dreamed of going since I was a little girl. With that, comes a sense of confidence that I didn't have the opportunity to experience in my life before.

I come from a world where people had faith in my ability to keep organized, but that's about it. Anytime I expressed any other type of talent no one else had faith in me. That didn't bother me much, I was used to people not knowing or understanding me. But traveling and getting to know myself, getting to know how I relate to the world, was a truly freeing experience. So by the time I encountered people from my "before Europe" life, and they tried to tell me all that I couldn't do, all that I wasn't good enough for - it was so much easier to steamroll through that and continue to keep my head up high.

I was not someone that had a bucket list outside of my travels. But once I started traveling my dreams became bigger, not unrealistic, but more varied. Conquering my desire to travel and being able to do it on my own with quite literally no help, I know that people couldn't be more wrong when they tell me I am anything less than remarkable. Call it ego. Call it arrogance. I'm calling it confidence. Can you imagine? A lady with confidence?

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