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Hi there! My name's Ashley. Lately, I've been going through what you would call a quarter life crisis - a time of profound self-reflection and transformation. Three important events have led me to making a life-changing decision: becoming an American Expat. When I was 15, I discovered that I had celiac disease, a condition that forced me to scrutinize every morsel of food I ate. At 26, I experienced a heartbreak. And at 28, an unexpected opportunity presented itself - the chance of a lifetime to gain my dual citizenship in Italy, a country rich in history, culture, and culinary delights.
These defining moments completely altered the course of my life, propelling me towards a new adventure. And now, starting this year, I'm embarking on a thrilling solo journey across Europe. Traveling alone has granted me the freedom to immerse myself in different cultures, explore hidden corners of the world, and, of course, indulge in dishes that respect the local traditions and ingredients, ensuring they won't leave me feeling unwell.
Through documenting and sharing my experiences, I hope to provide inspiration, valuable insights, and practical tips to fellow travelers and food enthusiasts alike. My mission is to help others navigate their own journeys, find their path, and savor the incredible flavors life has to offer. Join me as I uncover the hidden gems, taste new flavors, and carve out a meaningful existence filled with love, exploration, and a deep appreciation for the joys of the culinary world.

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